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5G Trailblazers

The people showcasing 5G's potential across the UK

Dr David Rosser

Chief Executive,
University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust


Patients in need of critical A&E attention 5G Connected Ambulance Services Dave Rosser is the 5G Trailblazer

Amidst the coronavirus pandemic and subsequent economic crisis, our healthcare services have been feeling the strain of unprecedented demand. The NHS is using and developing innovative ways to connect with patients remotely.

Dr David Rosser, Chief Executive at University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, has led the UK's first remote diagnostic procedure, using a 5G connected ambulance on BT’s 5G Network.

The connected ambulance brings together 5G virtual and augmented reality, robotic healthcare technology and clinical expertise, linking on-the-ground ambulance workers with consultants remotely, in real time.

This revolutionary use of 5G could have a huge impact on A&E services, with fewer people needing to visit a physical hospital to get diagnosed.

The characteristics of 5G mean it should provide many advantages [for urgent care], including speeding up diagnoses for patients and potentially reducing the number of ambulance and A&E department visits. Dr David Rosser

Meet your 5G Trailblazers

We’re championing the top 25 people and teams working at the forefront of 5G innovation.

Learn more about our pioneers, catalysts and conversation starters and their cutting-edge work, changing lives and businesses across the UK.

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Martin Jackson

Head of Strategy and Enterprise Architecture,
Northumbrian Water

Martin Jackson has revolutionised water services, using 5G and Augmented Reality to increase productivity, efficiency and safety

Dave Ross

Agri-EPI Centre

Dave Ross has been championing 5G in the farming industry, exploring the many benefits of 5G connectivity for rural communities

Bringing 5G to the UK