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Ericsson United Kingdom

Welcome to Ericsson UK

Shaping the future of mobile network communications across the UK.

Ericsson has been connecting the UK for more than 120 years. Our network services cover up to 80 million mobile subscriptions and connections in the UK and we create game-changing technology for customers and industry. Today, we are leaders in 5G, unleashing a new wave of innovation across the UK.

Make it memorable

Busy environments like sports & entertainment venues are places of high emotions with expectations of unfaltering mobile connectivity. 

Visit our fan experience area where you can discover expert thought leadership around the different types of fans and their needs, what the impact on connectivity has on customer churn, latest cases on the performance of 5G and new studies and report on capturing the value of 5G. 

News and insights

Fixed Wireless Access Market Opportunities

5G Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) unlocks a world of opportunities. Explore monetization strategies, best practice, trends and insights in our latest FWA Handbook.

Ericsson Mobility Report

Uncover the latest insights, data and trends in the world of telco - and how these technologies are shaping the future.

Unlock APIs to accelerate innovation and drive new revenue

How can you expose your network APIs empower developers to build ground-breaking 5G mobile applications and create new ways to grow your network investments? Watch now.

Careers at Ericsson

Want to join our team?

Be part of the future. Working with ICT at Ericsson means not only being involved with the technology of today, but also shaping the future. You’ll never have a greater opportunity to drive change than you will here.

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Get in touch

For all enquiries, please visit our contact us page:

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For Media and Press

Get in touch with our press office, request imagery or access our latest press releases, news and blog posts.

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For Policy Makers

We collaborate with governments, regulators, legislators, businesses and industry associations to achieve positive and sustainable long-term conditions for the ICT sector.

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Our offices

UK Headquarters, Reading

14th Floor, Thames Tower

Station Road, Reading

Berkshire RG1 1LX

Phone: +44 1483 30 36 66

Fax: +44 1483 30 35 37