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Available in English Svenska

Annual Report

In the beginning of March each year, Ericsson publishes its Annual Report. You can download the full version or order a printed version.

Remuneration report

Every year Ericsson publishes its Remuneration report which provides information on the application of the Guidelines for Remuneration to Group Management, details on total remuneration to Ericsson’s President and CEO and the two Executive Presidents and a summary of variable compensation programs to the Executive Team. The Remuneration report is included in the Annual Report and is available here. It is also included in the printed version of the Annual Report.

Corporate Governance report

Every year Ericsson publishes its Corporate Governance report in which you can find information on how Ericsson is governed through its various corporate bodies and how responsibilities are distributed among them. The Corporate Governance report is included in the Annual Report and is available here. It is also included in the printed version of the Annual Report.




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