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D&I Weekly News Round-Up: Accessibility, Well being, and more

Welcome to the latest edition of our Diversity & Inclusion News Round-Up. Today we talk about menopause-friendly workplaces, Google announcing accessibility updates, a TED Talk about the importance of down time, and Victoria’s Secret launching adaptive clothing.

Compliance Officer – Leadership & Culture

Caroline Berns - Head of D&I and Talent Acquisition MMEA

Compliance Officer – Leadership & Culture

Compliance Officer – Leadership & Culture

Women in the workforce

The 18th of October was World Menopause Day. According to a study by Mayo Clinic, the US alone loses 1.8 billion USD in working time a year due to the lack of menopausal supportive policies. The goal of the #HotResignation campaign is to raise awareness and make the workplace more menopause friendly.


Google has just announced several accessibility updates to its products. Maps, for example, will now feature wheelchair-accessible walking routes, and businesses can self-identify as disabled-owned. Read more here.

Well being

Insightful TED Talk from Alex Soojung-Kim Pang, talking about the importance of down time - and how rest can make us better at our jobs.


The demand for adaptive and disability-friendly clothes is growing – and the latest company to offer adaptive fashion is Victoria’s Secret, designed for women with disabilities. Read more here.

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