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D&I Weekly News Round Up: Speak up culture, Racism, and more

Welcome to the latest edition of our Diversity & Inclusion News Round-Up. Today we are talking about the importance of speak-up culture, reasons for dads staying at home, a guaranteed-income pilot in the US, and if colour blindness perpetuates racism.

Compliance Officer – Leadership & Culture

Caroline Berns - Head of D&I and Talent Acquisition MMEA

Compliance Officer – Leadership & Culture

Compliance Officer – Leadership & Culture

Speak up culture

Interesting HBR article about the importance of speak-up culture – and what steps leaders can take to create conditions where all employees feel free to speak up.  


According to a new analysis from Pew Research Centerdads now make up 18% of stay-at-home parents in the US. The reasons dads give for staying at home differ significantly from mothers, with less than 25% of the dads doing this to look after home and children (vs almost 80% of the mothers).

Women empowerment

Good read about a guaranteed-income pilot from Georgia, US – the “In Her Hands” initiative is the largest program in the southern US, and focuses on Black women. One year into the pilot, the results so far are promising! Read more here.


Does colour blindness perpetuate racism? Insightful Open to Debate/TED discussion with Coleman Hughes and Jamelle Bouie, watch it here.

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