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D&I Weekly News Round-Up: Gender wage gaps, Workplace culture, and more

Welcome to the latest edition of our Diversity & Inclusion News Round-Up. Today we talk about “motherhood penalty” and “fatherhood bonus”, how candidates can assess cultural fit in interviews, a new survey of LGBTQ+ adults in the US, and the challenges home-based workers in India face.

Compliance Officer – Leadership & Culture

Caroline Berns - Head of D&I and Talent Acquisition MMEA

Compliance Officer – Leadership & Culture

Compliance Officer – Leadership & Culture

Gender wage gaps

The parenthood wage gap is one of the key factors in global gender wage disparities. This insightful article looks at a study on multinational companies, highlighting how mothers are often underpaid and fathers overpaid, also referred to as "motherhood penalty" and "fatherhood bonus".

Workplace culture

When looking for a new employer, finding a good cultural fit is important for employee well-being. In this TED Talk, Marion Campan shares two simple tools that candidates can use to assess the cultural fit of potential employers.


A new Gallup survey reveals that although LGBTQ+ adults in the US have experienced increased societal acceptance over the past decade, nearly 18% of them have never come out to anyone. Read more here.

Women in the workforce

Interesting article about home-based workers in India. Over 80% of working women in India are part of the informal economy, with home-based work being the second largest sector. However, there is a lack of supportive legislation or policy in this area.

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