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Ericsson enhances enterprise 5G portfolio with generative AI virtual expert to simplify network operations
- Enhanced ANA provides personalized answers to queries by correlating AI insights from the enterprise's network with a library of technical documentation.
- ANA leverages large language models securely hosted by Ericsson and integrates with AI Operations (AIOps) functionality.
- Embedded in Ericsson’s NetCloud management and orchestration solution, these AI features are available to approximately 37,000 enterprises managing 2.9 million devices.
Historic API venture announces CEO
- The recently-launched venture between some of the world’s largest telecom operators and Ericsson (NASDAQ: ERIC) announces the appointment of Anthony Bartolo as its Chief Executive Officer and the name of the new company – Aduna.
近日,以“移链湘伴 供赢未来”为主题的2024中国移动供应链生态合作大会在长沙成功举行。作为中国移动长期以来的重要合作伙伴,爱立信受邀参会,并携手中国移动共同探索提升产业供应链韧性与安全性的方法和解决路径,致力于构建“需求驱动、协同共享、数字创新、安全稳定、可持续发展”的产业生态,为生态繁荣与区域融合发展注入新动力。
Ericsson Mobility Report: early movers pursue performance-based business models
- Global mobile network data traffic projected to grow almost 200 percent between 2024 and the end of 2030
- 6.3 billion global 5G subscriptions forecast by the end of 2030 - of which 60 percent are expected to be 5G SA
- Report includes case studies from T-Mobile (U.S.A.), Elisa (Finland), and stc (KSA)
2024年,在工业和信息化部指导下,IMT-2030(6G) 推进组组织了本年度6G技术试验测试。爱立信先后完成了6G通感一体化和网络基础架构测试。通过测试展现了爱立信在6G关键技术领域的不断探索和实践。
2024世界互联网大会 | 爱立信 “5G可编程网络”荣膺“世界互联网领先科技成果”奖
日前,2024世界互联网大会乌镇峰会召开。期间,爱立信的“5G可编程网络”荣膺“世界互联网领先科技成果” 殊荣。爱立信的“5G可编程网络”可通过一系列创新功能,增强网络用户体验,推动运营商收入增长,并提高运营效率,并为行业发展开辟了全新的可能性。
Ericsson ConsumerLab: Rising use of Generative AI Apps boosts consumer interest in differentiated connectivity
- Thirty-five percent of 5G smartphone users interested in paying for differentiated connectivity
- Research representative of 1.1 billion people, including 750 million 5G smartphone users
- Report identifies revenue generation opportunities for communications service providers