Smarter networks. Smarter business
As we enter a 5G powered world, mobile connectivity is once again set to have profound impact on consumers, businesses and society. We all know that the opportunity of 5G is huge, yet the key question is how do we capture it?
If approached in the right way today, with the right plan for tomorrow, the journey towards 5G is achievable. At Ericsson Digital Services, we have empowered our customers to monetize every generational shift of cellular technology, maximizing both existing investments as well as unlocking new revenue opportunities.
Taking the necessary steps and evolving networks for 5G is about investing in well-integrated hardware and – more importantly – software. With 5G, the complexity of operating networks will go far beyond what any human can manage. To leverage the full benefits of 5G, investing in additional technologies is now business critical in order for Service Providers to monetize on 5G and simultaneously create new growth opportunities within the enterprise business.
At Ericsson Digital Services, we make networks smarter, because that is smart business
We are the leader in 5G, having delivered 5G Core solutions to more than 110 customers globally, so far. Working at the core of the 5G evolution, we deliver market-leading and cost-efficient software solutions that make networks high performing, automated, highly programmable and monetizable.
This is smart business, as leveraging Ericsson’s cloud native, service orchestration, and automation technologies in core networks are all key to enable network slicing and edge solutions. With 5G, we already see new use cases and digital services, opening growth potential for Service Providers, with an additional estimated $700 billion opportunity, addressing industry digitalization with 5G-enabled B2B applications by 2030. We help Service Providers get to market faster and capitalize on new services, through superior consumer and enterprise communication and monetization solutions. By investing in our technology and software, which through continuous development and continuous integration ‘never’ sleeps, Service Providers can stay ahead in the race for 5G business, today and tomorrow.
Ericsson makes the transition to, and monetization of, 5G achievable. We help Service Providers future-proof and grow their consumer business, while allowing them to keep delivering on the promise of enterprise business. From our long experience helping our customers transform their business and networks through all of the G’s, we know that a step-by-step action plan is key, where Service Providers can unlock 5G and IoT revenue today, while preparing to stay ahead of the competition tomorrow.
With a clear strategy and a strong portfolio, we are ready to help our customers further elevate both their consumer and enterprise business.