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Network Evolution


Enhance network planning with more efficient RF planning, site selection and capacity management. Improves network and service performance and enables new revenues by data driven and intent-based insights and recommendations​

Included portfolio
Ericsson RAN Insights rApp

Ericsson | Network EvolutionBy utilizing native product knowledge and 10+ years proven algorithms, RAN insights...

Ericsson Slice Partition Adaptation rApp

Ericsson | Network EvolutionThe Slice Partition Adaptation rApp will further automate the optimization of resources...

Infovista Planet rApp

Infovista | Network EvolutionThe Planet rApp allows an operator to automate network planning activities and enhances...

TECTWIN Digital Twins rApp

TECTWIN | Network Deployment Network Optimization Network EvolutionTECTWIN’s Digital Twins rApp utilizes drones...