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Digital BSS—how to seize revenue streams

I just returned from an amazing week in New York city for the Ericsson 2018 OSS/BSS User Group event, where Ericsson brought an astounding number of independent telco and operator clients and partners under one roof for the week, to share stories and insights.

While there I had the opportunity to spend time with Emanuele Iannetti, Head of Solution Area BSS at Ericsson, and he was gracious enough to accept my invitation to join me for a guest appearance on my podcast show to share his latest insights on both what this year's event had to offer, as well as where Ericsson and the telco industry as a whole are currently, and in particular in his world of Business Support Systems (BSS).

A key takeaway from our conversation as Emanuele puts it was that, “Three years ago customers wanted to approach digital transformation as a one shot ‘big bang’ approach, but today the experience after several attempts, a step-wise approach is more sensible and manageable, lower risk, and driving better outcomes”.

I asked Emanuele, “If you were to offer a key thought for organizations, not just in the telco space, but of course in the context of this event, what would that be?” Emanuele replied without missing a beat with, “Now is the right time to capture new revenue streams.”

I also asked Emanuele for his take on some of the big emerging trends and technologies in his world, and one that jumps out of course is that of the fifth-generation network, or 5G as we refer to it. As you’ll hear in this show of my podcast, Emanuele said of 5G “The impact of 5G is also to be able to manage a massive number of devices and therefore a massive number of transactions online real time and multiple play, this is the key target.. of course cloud native is one of the requirements”.


Hear the podcast

I had a great time discussing these topics and many more with Emanuele, learning more about his role and the future directions for Ericsson, BSS “in the cloud” and I know when you tune in, you will, like me, glean valuable insights, anecdotes, and frankly get to know yet another of the amazing people behind the business behind the brand that is Ericsson, and I look forward to your thoughts and any feedback once you’ve listened to this show.

Please do tune in and then connect on Twitter or LinkedIn, and share your thoughts.

Link to Podcast


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