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D&I Weekly News Round Up: Gender pay gap, representation, and more

Welcome to the latest edition of our Diversity & Inclusion News Round-Up. Today we are talking about work-life balance, a new gender pay gap report, cultural representation in video games, and an IWD campaign from Australia.

Compliance Officer – Leadership & Culture

Caroline Berns - Head of D&I and Talent Acquisition MMEA

Compliance Officer – Leadership & Culture

Compliance Officer – Leadership & Culture

Work life balance

Surveys show that a lot of people ask for a healthy work-life balance, and even prioritize it over pay. But how has the meaning of the term changed in the past years, and what does this mean for employees and employers? Insightful article!

Gender pay gap

Pew Research Center just released its latest study of census data in the US – looking at the gender pay gap. Interesting report, worth reading!


Global telco company Orange, together with creative agency Publicis Conseil, just launched the campaign Cultural Avatars #MaxTaFierté (#MaxYourIdentity). The goal of the campaign is to allow gamers from the Middle East and Africa to feel represented, offering traditional outfit “skins”.

IWD 2023

According to a study from the World Economic Forum, women leaders are twice as likely to work on D&I initiatives as their male counterparts. Ahead of IWD (International Women’s Day) on the 8th of March, an eye-catching Australian campaign is now inviting men to “Show up for Equality”.

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