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Mobile Optical Pluggable

Mobile Optical Pluggable

Joint technical insights in the updated paper

MOPA: Pluggable optics solutions to support 5G rollouts

Five market leading companies, Ericsson, Nokia, II-VI, Lumentum and Sumitomo Electric, have jointly produced a technical paper on Mobile Optical Pluggables, abbreviated MOPA, to agree on the most important high-level requirements and optical solutions for 5G.

A common and shared view in the industry

This effort intends to get a common and shared view in the industry to secure that the right optical pluggables are available at the right time and the right cost for the 5G buildouts. 23 technical experts from the five companies have authored a technical paper, Mobile Optical Pluggable (MOPA), describing the high-level requirements and optical solutions, so called optical blueprints, for all relevant parts of the mobile network (fronthaul, backhaul, etc.), the necessary data rates (10G, 25G, 100G) using the best suited technologies (gray, WDM, packet).

MOPA scope: The MOPA optical blueprints describe the optical solutions and the pluggable needs across the 5G network.

MOPA scope: The MOPA optical blueprints describe the optical solutions and the pluggable needs across the 5G network.

Some of the key benefits of the MOPA initiative

All industry players (communications service providers, systems vendors, and optical pluggable vendors) can gain from this common and shared view to make it easier, and with lower risk, to estimate and plan the evolution of networks and products.
R&D work can be done faster and more effectively with reduced risk.
Better ecosystems with more stable and sustainable supply chains can be produced.

Without the MOPA initiative, mobile network operators face greater risks of using solutions and pluggables that are not optimized from a total cost of ownership (TCO) and future-outlook perspective.

Do you want to know more about the MOPA initiative and its general requirements?

Mobile Optical Pluggables Alliance (MOPA) has released technical paper version 2.1. The paper makes updates and additions to several areas: Chapter 5 includes new paragraphs on the 6G evolution, Section 6.12 introduces a new description on optical pluggable qualification from a system vendor perspective, Appendix B adds new details on optical pluggables with respect to their impact on tight transport synchronization, Annex A adds new details for a 50 Gb/s (and beyond) 48 channel DWDM system in O-band, and finally Annex B adds details to an improved channel, message types and storage memory maps for remote management of optical modules.

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Bringing 5G and optics together through the MOPA initiative

The spectrum allocations for the 5th generation mobile systems are growing as well as the rollouts of live 5G network. This requires transport network capacity growth, resulting in an urgent and significant need for high-capacity and cost-effective optical solutions as part of those 5G Transport networks.

5G Transport portfolio

Microwave, routing, and optical solutions for radio access networks, including partner products.

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