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Open RAN prepared ultralight remote radios

More is more is more

Introducing a new line-up of Open RAN prepared ultralight remote radios

Ericsson's new line-up of remote radios brings more performance, more sustainability and more openness.

Ericsson´s comprehensive remote radio portfolio is prepared for Open RAN, offering service providers freedom of choice in evolving the network architecture. The new lightweight and easily deployable solutions additionally offer multi-band capacity, improved uplink and lower energy consumption. The result is a future proof portfolio with leading sustainability.

New FDD and TDD radio line-up – Open RAN prepared

Radio 4823

Radio 4823

Triple-band Radio FDD with 4 transmitters and 8 receivers (4T/8R).

  • 33 kg 
  • eCPRI - Packet fronthaul  
  • Passive cooling – no fans, less maintenance 
  • Open RAN prepared

Evolve your network quickly and easily and boost uplink performance, without making changes to passive antennas when Radio 4823 is deployed.

  • 2x higher uplink capacity with reused passive antenna
  • Enhanced performance with power-sharing functionality
  • Improved downlink performance with separate remote electrical tilt on the 2.6GHz frequency band to extend coverage or network capacity
Radio 4461 HP

Radio 4461HP

High-power and ultralight mid-band TDD radio with four transmitters and four receivers (4T/4R).

  • Single-band TDD
  • 10 kg
  • eCPRI - Packet fronthaul
  • Passive cooling – no fans, less maintenance
  • Open RAN prepared

Radio 4461HP allows easy deployment of mid-band TDD in low/medium capacity sites.

  • Improved performance and extended coverage with 50% higher output power
  • 42% lower embodied carbon footprint and 38% less weight
  • 33% energy savings
Radio 8873

Radio 8873HP and Radio 8873

Ultralight mid-band TDD in standard and high power (HP) variants with eight transmitter and eight receivers (8T/8R).

  • Single-band TDD

  • 21 kg for Radio 8873HP, 19 kg for Radio 8873

  • eCPRI - Packet fronthaul

  • Passive cooling – no fans, less maintenance

  • Open RAN prepared

Radio 8873HP and Radio 8873 allows easy deployment of mid-band TDD in low/medium capacity sites.

  • Improved performance and extended coverage with 20% higher output power for the high power variant

  • 14% lower embodied CO2 and weight

  • More sustainable with 10% energy savings

Ultralight remote radios

New range of ultralight remote radios

Triple-band: Radio 4485 for FDD, delivering 50 percent reduced embodied carbon* footprint and more than 20 percent energy savings vs. comparable radios.

Dual-band: Radio 4890 for FDD has 4 transmit and 8 receive branches, enhancing the uplink without need to shift antennas. 

Single-band: Radio 4471 with 4 transmit and receive branches in a 10 kg costume enables easy rollouts of additional frequency bands.

  • Powered by Ericsson Silicon, tailor-made digital front-end, PIM cancellation, and packetized fronthaul
  • Passive cooling across portfolio—no fans, less maintenance
  • Cloud RAN ready
  • 25 kg, 24 liters
  • 50% lower embodied carbon* footprint
  • Half the footprint, 4T4R on three frequency bands
  • Up to 640 W output power with power sharing

*Embodied carbon consists of all greenhouse gas emissions that have occurred before the product is used. It includes emissions from the extraction of raw materials, transportation to suppliers’ production, Ericsson manufacturing, and product transportation up to the customer. 

“Swisscom is a world-leading operator in Switzerland, not only from a network performance perspective but also in terms of being the world’s most sustainable telecom operator. We have relentless focus on providing our customers the best mobile services while at the same time curbing the overall energy consumption. Ericsson’s latest technology breakthroughs such as the energy-saving triple-band Radio 4485 shows that Swisscom can continue to deliver on our customer promises using products that are smaller, lighter, and even more energy efficient. We look forward to seeing this radio in the field.”


- Mark Düsener, Executive Vice President, Mobile Network and Services, Swisscom

Previously launched

Radio 6646

Radio 6646

  • 900, 800, and 700MHz frequency bands in 1 compact radio
  • Replaces up to 9 single-band radios
  • 40% less power consumption vs. single-sector 3-band radios
  • 60% less weight and aluminum used vs. single-sector 3-band radios
Radio 4490

Radio 4490

  • Dual-band remote radio for both FDD and TDD bands
  • 25% less power consumption compared to the previous product
  • 25% lower weight compared to the previous product

Radio 4490 won the Red Dot Product Design Award 2023 for its design strategy that has energy efficiency in mind.

Radio 6626

Radio 6626

  • Two frequencies and six ports in one unit
  • Replaces six legacy radios
  • Reduced footprint and load on towers up to 50%
  • Lower power consumption up to 50%

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