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Students from the Connect To Learn program

Connect To Learn

Proud to be a Global UNICEF Partner for School Connectivity Mapping

Enabling access to education

We're committed to improving educational opportunities for children and youth around the world through technology. This investment is essential for increasing access to quality education and developing the digital skills of our future workforce. The Connect To Learn initiative has reached 485,000 students located across 43 countries to date.

To demonstrate this commitment, we created our Connect to Learn program, a global education initiative launched in partnership with like-minded organizations.

Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4 aims to ensure inclusive, quality education and lifelong learning opportunities for all. Connect to Learn supports this ambition by using technology to give those most in need access to quality education.

We believe improving educational opportunities is also vital for achieving other sustainable development goals, such as gender equality.

Read more on this topic in our Technology For Good Impact Report (pdf).

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Active SDGs

Supporting the Sustainable Development Goals

The highlighted Sustainable Development Goals are included in the project.

Focus areas

Connect to Learn is Ericsson’s flagship education program. Its purpose is to empower teachers, students and schools to deliver a quality 21st-century education and provide young people worldwide with digital skills. The program has four focus areas: access to digital connectivity for schools, girls in ICT, education in humanitarian contexts and youth empowerment through digital skills.

Digital connectivity for schools

Accelerate digital connectivity to schools to create positive impact.

Girls in ICT

Empower women and girls through ICT to improve gender equality.

Education in humanitarian contexts

Empower young people in crisis situations through ICT-led education.

Digital skills

Help create a digitally skilled future workforce.

Key offerings

Working with key partners, Ericsson provides access to an extensive portfolio of existing solutions as well as developing specific education-related solutions. Examples include connectivity for schools, child-friendly ICT environments, virtual reality learning, and introducing children to new technologies.

People looking at a computer-screen

Ericsson Educate

Introduction to 21st century technologies through a self-paced learning platform

Ericsson has developed a digital skills portal that provides access to learning material on key technologies. Selected subjects are covered at an introductory level, including areas such as: 5G networks, artificial intelligence and machine learning, automation, blockchain, cloud computing, data science, IoT and telecommunications.

Instructor showing an RC robot

Digital Lab program

Introducing children to the world of digital skills and new technologies

Digital Lab is an education program for children aged 11-16 which is designed to inspire them to explore new technologies and develop their problem-solving skills. The Digital Lab is a place where instructors can share their passion for technology with students, and includes courses on robotics, game development, electronics and artificial intelligence.

Woman using VR-headset

Virtual reality for teacher training

Integrating ICT and learner-centered pedagogies using virtual reality

Ericsson’s VR training program focuses on coaching existing teachers to adopt a learner-centered pedagogy, and is grounded in findings from extensive classroom observation data. The VR program helps teachers practice and become more confident in their pedagogical and ICT integration skills.

Students using computers

School Manager

Child-friendly environment for learning and development

The School Manager is an easy-to-use online platform accessible from any type of device. All educational resources developed as part of the program will be hosted here, including third-party content. The platform also comes with an analytics dashboard for monitoring platform usage and user behavior.


Since 2010, Ericsson has worked with partners on key ICT in education projects around the world. Here is a selection of projects ranging from the use of technology to improve the quality of education in schools in rural Africa to teaching digital skills such as robotics and artificial intelligence to teenagers in Sweden.

Education in the millennium villages

The Millennium Villages Project is a community-led initiative for sustainable development. Through the project, we’re giving children in rural Africa – especially girls - better access to secondary school and using technology to improve their education.

Girls in STEM

Gender diversity is a central focus for us, especially in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), which are still male-dominated. Find out how Ericsson and girl scouts in Northeast Texas are using fiber networks to tackle gender imbalance, here.

Youth employability program in India

To help underprivileged youths in India’s urban slums break the poverty trap, Ericsson launched a bespoke e-learning program to teach them new skills and share job opportunities. The program provides training in English, IT, retail, basic management and more.

Education for peace building

We’re helping young people who’ve lived through conflict learn how to create positive change in partnership with the Whitaker Peace and Development Initiative. Ericsson currently provides ICT equipment and specialized training for youths in South Sudan, Uganda and Mexico.

Connect to Learn Myanmar

In Myanmar, rural schoolchildren are receiving quality education as a result of our partnerships. In our largest deployment to date, Connect to Learn is breaking new ground here thanks to unique public-private collaborations with a range of partners.

Digital lab around the world

Digital skills are a prerequisite for the future employment of today’s children. Digital Lab is an innovative education program for children between the ages of 11 and 16, which encourages them throughout their first encounters with programming, robotics and automation.

Related readings

Connect to Learn aims to increase access to quality education through the innovative use of Ericsson technology and expertise. Read more about our work here.