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6G Network compute

Research & Development

Innovation with Future technologies

At our Hungarian R&D center, we research and develop state-of-the-art telecommunications networks, their architecture basics and their components, and investigate use-cases so we learn future requirements.

Some of our work includes: cloud-based infrastructure, telecommunication network analytics system (big data, machine learning), microwave communication devices, cloud-native core network, IP routing, mobile positioning, security solutions for mobile networks and IOT ecosystems, and so on. Almost all of our product development efforts are connected to or extending the fifth-generation mobile network, 5G, while our research unit is already looking into 6G. In addition to this, we develop our own testing tools and operate a test environment for developments in other countries.

Ericsson Research areas for future technologies

In the Hungarian site of Ericsson Research, we participate in three Research Areas of Ericsson Research: Networks, Artificial Intelligence and Cloud Systems and Platforms. We investigate new networking, cloud and AI capabilities and extensions both for the benefit of the 5G/6G mobile network’s evolution and implementation, as well as for novel use-cases (verticals) enabled by technology advancements. We are intertwined and drive the academic ecosystem both locally and we have many live collaborations in the global academic ecosystem.

6G makes it possible to move in a cyber-physical continuum, between the connected physical world of senses, actions, and experiences and its programmable digital representation. The network provides intelligence, limitless connectivity, and full synchronization of the physical and digital worlds. 6G will be a versatile platform for services that need high-performance communication; mobility or non-local coverage; security, resilience, and privacy; and Compute offload, AI functionality, Spatial data. Taken together, the elements of 6G will form one seamless system, having all the needed capabilities to empower the vision of ever-present intelligent communication connecting a cyber-physical world. With a foundation of trustworthy systems and a highly efficient compute fabric with built-in cognition capacities, the networks of the future will deliver limitless connectivity for upcoming applications and services. This will make 6G a broad platform for innovation and the information backbone of society. [add ref to white paper]

6G will bring all physical things into the realm of compute. It will act not only as a connector but also as a controller of physical systems—ranging from simple terminals to complex and performance-sensitive robot control systems, and augmented reality applications—offering computing intertwined with communication in a network compute fabric for high efficiency and dependability [6]. Service providers can utilize their assets by integrating compute and storage into increasingly virtualized networks to provide applications with maximum performance, reliability, low jitter, and millisecond latencies. The network-compute fabric will thus provide tools and services beyond connectivity, offering a pervasive, globally interconnected, flexible, and robust platform to diverse customer segments and verticals, featuring application hosting, seamless task portability, and compute abstractions. As a result, applications can be deployed seamlessly across this fabric, spanning central cloud, network edge, and out to the devices. This makes 6G a true innovation platform.

In the future, cyber physical systems will give life to a new wave of collaborative industrial applications — learning, sharing and leveraging massive amount of data in real time. These applications will be executed across a unified computing platform spanning device, internet, the edge, access and core networks. Built on best-in-class computing infrastructures, performing on a distributed environment, with an organically expanding operating systems, industrial cloud platform will make it easy for businesses to automate a distributed mesh of services across a dynamic ecosystem.

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) techniques will improve automation and ultimately enable the zero-touch automation required to manage billions of connected devices and handle requirements from new 5G use cases and the increased network complexity.

Service providers are on a journey from legacy telecom service providers to becoming digital service providers. Our overarching strategy is to enable this transformation in three principal dimensions — relentless efficiency, user experience, and new revenue streams. AI adds functionality and capabilities in all dimensions.

In recent years, our ability to apply AI and deep learning to real-world problems and products has increased exponentially. Andrew Ng has famously said that AI is the “new electricity.” It’s hard to think of a field that will not be profoundly changed by AI.

We power the Reinforce AI Conference because we want to support the spread of this knowledge and make it accessible to anyone. Reinforce brings together world-leading experts on AI, and creates a platform for discourse, innovation, and networking. It's an opportunity to learn and discuss topics such as putting AI into production, understandable AI, ethics of AI, and the future of AI. See you online in 2021!