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Analyst coverage and consensus

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Analyst coverage

Firm Analyst Country
ABG Simon Granath Sweden
Arete Richard Kramer UK
Bank of America Didier Scemama UK
Barclays Simon Coles  UK
Bernstein Ulrich Rathe UK
BNP Paribas Exane  Jakob Bluestone UK
Carnegie Predrag Savinovic / Andreas Joelsson Sweden
CFRA Firdaus Ibrahim US
Charter Equity Ed Snyder US
Citi Andrew Gardiner UK
Danske Bank Sami Sarkamies  Finland
Deutsche Bank Rob Sanders UK
DnB Joachim Gunell Sweden
Goldman Sachs Alexander Duval UK
Handelsbanken Daniel Djurberg / Fredrik Lithell Sweden
Jefferies Janardan Menon UK
JP Morgan Sandeep Deshpande UK
Kepler Chevreux Sebastien Sztabowicz France
Morgan Stanley Terence Tsui UK
Morningstar Matthew Dolgin US
New Street Research Pierre Ferragu UK
Nordea Felix Henriksson Finland
Oddo BHF Stephane Houri France
OP Kimmo Stenvall Finland
Raymond James Simon Leopold US
Santander Bolsa Carlos J. Treviño Peinador Spain
SEB Enskilda

Erik Lindholm-Röjestål
Artem Beletski

UBS Francois-Xavier Bouvignies UK

Last updated February 2025.

The analysts at the brokerage firms hereby listed follow Ericsson. This list is provided solely as a courtesy and for informational purposes only. It may not be complete or up to date and may change without notice. Any opinions, estimates or forecasts regarding Ericsson's performance made by the analysts at these brokerage firms are theirs alone and do not represent opinions, forecasts, analysis or predictions made by Ericsson or its management. Ericsson does not by its reference or distribution of this list imply, and expressly disclaims, any endorsement of or concurrence with any information, estimates, forecasts, opinions, conclusions or recommendations provided by these analysts.



Consensus post Q424 xlsx
Consensus post Q424 pdf

Last updated 5 February, 2025 
We aim to publish a consolidated view of sell-side analyst financial estimates, known as ‘consensus’, on a bi-quarterly basis, pre and post earnings.

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The data presented is a collation of financial estimates from third parties provided by Infront, an independent consensus service, as at the date above. Ericsson has not undertaken to independently verify such third-party data and does not intend to do so. Ericsson does not warrant or represent the accuracy, completeness or validity of this information, nor the figures or calculations arising from this information. It should be noted that forecasts are, by definition, forward-looking and are therefore subject to risks and uncertainties that may materially affect eventual results. 
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Although Ericsson will endeavour to procure that the information is kept updated, Ericsson expressly disclaims a duty to provide updates to such information, and the estimates and assumptions associated with them, after the date above, except as required by applicable law or stock exchange regulations.