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From Hilda to Lars Magnus, August 7 1881

Ericsson, Hilda (portrait, 1915)

Stockholm, Sunday 7 August 1881

My longed-for Husband!

I know not with what words I should express how much I miss you, my all. I now have no one to spy for in the window, nor anyone for whom to prepare the joy of a pleasant evening meal and a lit room. Yes, in one word, it is empty, what is essential is missing. Would that the all-powerful grant us to see each other again – my breast feels so overfull – you understand my feelings I know.

In the evening should I go out into the Humlegården [park] to get a breath of fresh air, I look at the bright moon and send you a deeply felt greeting.

Should John at some time see that I am sad, he asks for forgiveness for some little fault he thinks the cause of my sadness and when I tell him that Daddy is far away, he comforts me with “Daddy is coming soon”.

All 200 telephone rolls are ready and I am in the process of winding an inductor, but the wire seems made of real waste, as there is a break nearly every 20th followed by long pieces that cannot be used at all. I will try to get some wire from the workshop that might possibly be better. 

We have not yet received any payment from Gefle, but hope one will be here at the same time you get this letter since I wrote a friendly reminder to the wholesaler Andersson.

Last Friday C E Nilsson received a complaining letter from Sundberg, expressing much criticism of his work, but Nilsson claims the reprimands are unnecessary; you probably know Lieutenant Lindahl and even Nordin criticises even though he was inspector during the assembly.

Engineer Engvall and you ought not to be together so much, but I am very happy that you have found sympathy for Herr Kjennerud. If you think it is suitable, give him an unknown’s greeting from your devoted Wife.

Author: Hilda Ericsson, original manuscript.

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