Stockholm March 14. 4:30 p.m. 1890
My dear Darling!
Soon a week has passed since you left us [and] it is well that time passed unusually quickly, and that we soon, as we hope, shall embrace each other hale and hearty.
The company party was yesterday and was truly a celebration in large scale; everyone seemed happy and satisfied and as always, everything was arranged with style. Rev Göransson, Lars Meurling and Engineer Frunk were my dining partners during the meal and in all took good care of me.
We’ll see if these lines ever find you in your travels; just to be sure I will use a franked envelope so it can be returned if you have left Berlin.
I just telephoned to 5298 and asked Mr. Georg Sievert for his message. He asked me to say that he will not write anything before he is informed about the next address. Please forward my friendly greetings to Max.
Everything is as always at the office and the workshop – Boström and Andersson say hello.
The unruly, but sweet children send greetings to their daddy via your devoted little Hilda.