Berlin, June 6, 1889
My little Wife!
Much thanks for both of your letters, which were my foremost pleasure on this journey. In this brief time we have seen more of duty related occurrences than a person can digest in a healthy way. We have been in constant motion from morning to midnight without a moment’s rest and still, as you probably understand, the time available has been too short.
For me the first days in Paris were too hot and thus, I was in no mood for the delightful sights on offer, treats that would impress most [visitors] far more than I experienced for myself.
After eight days in the city of pleasures, we left satisfied with the visit.
The trip through Switzerland was quite pleasant. In Bern I could enjoy a visit with one of my Principals from when I work there. This was followed by a short stay in Frankfurt a/m and then arrival here yesterday morning. We went at once to the exhibition and in the evening thou though tired, we were guests at Fogel’s villa some 20 km outside the city.
Tomorrow is the last day of our stay here. And we begin our journey home on Saturday morning with much happiness, as if all goes as it should we will arrive in Stockholm on Sunday at 12:25 and hope that my little Wife and and our little ones will be there at the station to meet me.
If I remember right it is Gustaf’s namesday today and I have sent him silent greetings now and then.
Now we have to mosey on --- Hearty greeting to all our family. And many kisses to mother and the little ones from
Your LM.
PS Max and Lars send warm greeting to little Mother. Your affectionate
Author: Lars Magnus Ericsson, original manuscript.