Anti-corruption for suppliers training
Ericsson has a zero-tolerance policy towards any form of corruption and financial irregularity.
We expect our Suppliers to foster a culture of integrity based on transparency, compliance and ethical business practices.
If you want to learn about our Business ethics and Anti-corruption requirements, please complete the Code of Conduct training - Ericsson including the Business ethics and anti-corruption section for increased understanding of this topic.
We also offer complimentary access to anti-bribery training through TRACE, an external compliance training provider. To complete this course, please:
- Register as a ‘New User’ at Trace online training, selecting your preferred language.
- Use the following Access Code: TGABCCIB&R. However, if you were assigned TRACE training by Ericsson, please use the Access Code provided to you in the training invitation email.
- Once you click on ‘Register’ you will receive a notification at the email address that was entered during the registration process. Click on the link in this email notice to confirm your account.
- Once logged in, scroll to the bottom of the Home page, and complete the TRACE Global Anti-Bribery Compliance Challenge for Intermediaries.