How Ericsson antennas came out on top in the benchmark arena
- Choosing the best antennas for performance, efficiency and user experience is vital for CSPs looking to get ahead or future-proof their networks. But datasheets don’t always reflect performance in the ring.
- A recent field trial by a European Tier 1 CSP demonstrates that – just by swapping out the antenna hardware – subscribers can benefit from double the capacity, four-times the coverage, and a real saving on device battery consumption. Dive into the results with us below.
Antenna System Solution Manager for Europe and Latin America
Antenna System Solution Manager for Europe and Latin America
Antenna System Solution Manager for Europe and Latin America
The right antenna can significantly impact network performance. Antennas may be passive elements but they can deliver a very real impact on network performance.
And not just a marginal difference, but a decisive difference: as much as four-times better coverage, double the capacity, and a real saving on device battery consumption – all by swapping out an antenna.
This boost was demonstrated in a recent field test and it’s the kind of boost that could prove crucial as we transition to 5G Advanced, and the need to support ever-greater volumes of uplink traffic grows. It's a challenging economy, and resources are limited. So how can CSPs know where their valuable resources are best invested? How can they be confident they're making the right choice for their network? Just like boxing or wrestling, the surest way to find a champion is by putting the competitors into the arena and seeing who comes out on top.
In search of a champion antenna
Like many companies navigating today’s economic and geopolitical climate, supply chain security and resilience is a major concern – so factors such as reliable sourcing and local manufacturing need to be important selection criteria.
Then comes product performance. Selecting an antenna based purely on data sheets can be misleading and carries a great deal of risk. Much like comparing the stats of two heavyweight champions ahead of a big fight, antenna data sheet specifications don’t always give the full picture as to how their performance may pan out in the field.
This is why live benchmark testing is important when it comes to antennas. Because, while two antennas may appear fairly similar on paper, they can actually be worlds apart in the field. It can be incredibly valuable for evaluating the real-world benefits an antenna can deliver in your network – a truth one leading tier one European CSP discovered for themselves earlier this year.
They were looking for a reliable antenna supplier who could support their needs and have a positive impact on their network in terms of coverage and performance. So, the challenge was set. They put a comparable Ericsson Antenna System solution head-to-head against their current system in a real-world showdown as detailed in the full benchmark report.
Setting the stage in the benchmark arena
Before our challenger took to the ring, a suitable site had to be found and assessed to ensure conditions were consistent. Then we were ready to rumble.
The main aim for the CSP was to assess the impact of Ericsson Antenna System on their network coverage and performance. To measure this, a range of network key performance indicators (KPIs) were agreed on and evaluated including signal quality, coverage, capacity and energy efficiency.
Independent drive tests and network statistics analyses were then conducted, both before and after the antenna swap. Data sheet specifications indicated the innovative Ericsson antenna would have an edge over the competition, particularly in signal quality, coverage and energy efficiency. But the results had an even more intriguing story to tell.
Round 1: Reach – four times better coverage delivers impressive opening strike
When the test drive evaluations were reviewed, the Ericsson antenna proved it was more than a match for the rival system in terms of coverage, recording significant improvements of more than 6dB. This meant the CSP could achieve more than four times better coverage without using additional radio output power, or maintain the same coverage as before with less power consumption, saving energy and costs.
Round 2: Peak data rates – a one-two hit from beam efficiency and spectrum utilization delivers double the peak rate potential
The growing importance of uplink performance was mentioned earlier, and it’s a factor we often see on top of the CSP agenda. Increased capacity, throughput and carrier aggregation (the ability to deliver more data per user) are common KPIs. But optimizing band or spectrum utilization and offloading traffic from the low to mid band are also key in freeing up capacity for uplink indoor coverage and traffic.
The Ericsson antenna, leveraging its superior Signal to Interference Noise Ratio (SINR), delivered higher downlink (up to 15 percent) and uplink (up to a staggering 110 percent) throughput, with data traffic growth observed in 2G, 4G and 5G Radio Access Technologies (RATs). This increase was particularly high for the 5G dynamic spectrum sharing (DSS) layer, as well as the 4G mid band on the data side.
Some low band traffic was also shown to have shifted to the mid band, increasing not only network performance, but the bandwidth received by subscribers. This meant better quality of service and user experience – a powerful one-two combination for CSPs.
Round 3: Device capabilities – 35 percent device battery savings deliver the final knockout
Based on the predicted performance improvements from the Ericsson antenna, a positive impact on power consumption was expected. But, closely following the customer service advantages delivered by the band shift in Round 1, our opponent was soon to receive another innovation-powered blow.
As part of the energy consumption evaluation, the user equipment transmit (TX) power consumption in the coverage area was analyzed. In simple terms, it’s the power used by the amplifier in a mobile phone or other device to maintain contact with the base station and secure the connection. As a result of the improved coverage and performance delivered by the Ericsson antenna, this power consumption was reduced by 1.8dB – an impressive saving of 35 percent.
But what does that mean in reality? It means a longer-lasting battery for subscriber devices, thanks to the lower energy consumption of their components – a clear win both for user experience and satisfaction. It also represents a valuable competitive edge for a CSP looking to reduce customer churn – and a strong knockout finish to secure top spot for our champion Ericsson antenna!
Post-match breakdown
The exceptional results were a clear demonstration of what dedicated work and precision engineering in antennas can achieve – and how the benefits in a live network environment can prove even greater than data sheet specifications suggest.
When you’re considering your next antenna investment, remember: whether it’s a product or a reliable supplier, choosing the right champion is crucial – one that will deliver performance, customer satisfaction and go above and beyond to help you and your networks face the challenges of tomorrow.
And if you’re not sure – put them to the test.
Learn more
- Read the full report for more details of the testing and results.
- Find out more about what Ericsson Antenna System has to offer.
- Download the previous antenna benchmark evaluation report on energy efficiency.
- Learn more about our precision engineering and how antenna evolution is shaping the future of networks.
- Discover the seven tenets of a modern antenna strategy.
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