Ferhat Karakoç
Master Researcher Security

Ericsson Research
Istanbul, Turkey
Ferhat’s research interests include secure multi-party computation and cryptographic algorithms. He joined Ericsson in 2020 and works on 5G standardization in the 3GPP security working group SA3. Edge computing security, mission critical service security, cryptographic algorithms, and northbound API security are among the standardization topics Ferhat has engaged in. He has also worked on privacy enhancing cryptographic technologies in research projects.
Before joining Ericsson, Ferhat worked with information security governance, cryptography and software development in public and private sector companies and taught courses at universities.
Ferhat received his Ph.D. in Computer Engineering from Istanbul Technical University, Turkey in 2014. His M.Sc. and B.S. degrees, both in Computer Engineering, were received from the same university in 2008 and 2005, respectively.