Gemma Vall Llosera
Principal Quantum Engineer

Kista, Sweden
Dr. Gemma Vall Llosera is a principal quantum engineer in the product line blockchain and quantum.
She joined Ericsson in 2010 and has done research in optical x-haul networks, specifically error fingerprinting of xDSL networks, analogue radio-over-fibre links, passive optical network architecture and supervision, as well as silicon photonics for fronthaul networks. She has served as a technology advisor in the Ericsson incubator and driven large scale inhouse and EU funded projects. In the past 6 years, she has worked with translating a business problem into a data science problem, data engineering, and within the field of quantum networking and communications.
Gemma received her Diploma in Optics from the Politechnics University of Catalonia (UPC) in 1998 and her PhD in Physics from the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden in 2008.
She has been part of the Technical Program committee for optics and photonics conferences and has been a member of the PhotonicSweden board of directors. She received a Marie Curie grant for her PhD studies and a VINNMER fellowship together with Lund University. Gemma is the author of 17 patents and has published around 45 peer-reviewed contributions.