Technology Innovation – The Foundation of Egypt’s Digital Future

There is no doubt that Egypt’s long civilization history is a testimony of how precious and valued this country is not only for Egyptians but for the entire world. Throughout history, we have seen unique Egyptian talents bringing to the world exceptional contributions to art, culture, science, technology, sports and many more. This stands true also today as the country brims with national initiatives to foster innovation and academic research. Steadily entering a digital era propelled by the fourth industrial revolution, the nation stands at the forefront of society-wide transformation. Diverting significant efforts in the last few years to leverage advanced technology to accelerate socio-economic development, Egypt is on a path toward a digitally powered society.
This year we mark 125 years of collaboration in Egypt. Being present in the country for more than a century, we have witnessed every stage of the nation’s technological development. With cellular networks being the foundation of many of these innovative developments, we have had the privilege of being a direct part of Egypt’s progress. In fact, in the early decades of our operations, "Ericsson" became the generic term for the telephone across the country. From installing our first telephone exchange system in Alexandria in 1897 connecting Cairo to Alexandria for the first time, to preparing for 5G today, we have come a long way and have had a truly remarkable journey.
An ambitious digital strategy
The Egyptian Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT) states that the future Egypt will “possess a competitive, balanced and diversified economy”, one that is “dependent on innovation and knowledge”. Through its ambitious national agenda, Vision 2030, which comprises a set of eight national goals to be met within this decade, Egypt has begun laying the foundation for this future.
With the objectives of Vision 2030 focusing on achieving a robust economy, bolstering knowledge and innovation, and enhancing quality of life in the country, its realization is set to rely heavily on advancements in digital technology. Egypt has formulated digital transformation frameworks within Vison 2030 and is moving towards digitalization across major regional industries. The government has also developed two key initiatives namely ICT Strategy 2030 and Digital Egypt, an all-encompassing plan to build the nation's digital economy, to aid this digitalization drive. However, with much prominence given to digital advancements, cellular technology no doubt set to play a pivotal role in the future prosperity of Egypt, but how so?
Cellular Networks - Key to Digital Prosperity
Industry 4.0 technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) is spearheading digital transformation. Promising a radical transformation of the economic and social system in Egypt, these technologies have now found their place among the top priorities of Egypt’s policy agendas for the coming years. They are set to be foundational blocks of various developmental projects across the country, especially smart city projects like Egypt’s high-tech New Administrative Capital.
Based on connectivity, these advanced technologies demand a strong and reliable connection that is able to handle a fast flow of data. This is where cellular networks like 5G and 4G come into play, acting as key enablers of these technologies.
By empowering digital technologies, cellular networks unlock a range of use cases across Egypt. Take for example the smart mass transit system Egypt has been working on to implement across cities. As large-scale 5G in the country becomes a reality, it will enable autonomous vehicles, making the smart transit system more efficient in its objectives and build a safer, more predictive, and sustainable transportation industry in the country.
A bright future
In the last few years, MCIT has actively initiated various projects to improve the quality of fixed broadband in the nation and deliver high-speed internet while also expanding network reach in the country. The nation is also speeding up the issuance of cell tower permits and has also begun offering new frequencies to enhance network efficiency. These actions show Egypt understands the value of connectivity in securing its digital future and is a testament to the nation's commitment to building a thriving digital economy.
Through successful collaborations over the last 125 years of our presence in the country, we have tried to create an environment for knowledge sharing and execution to keep Egypt well equipped for a quickly changing technological world and we remain determined to support Egypt realize its national agendas.
This year, under the patronage of Egypt’s Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, we successfully conducted the Together Apart Hackathon to boost innovation in line with Egypt Vision 2030. In line with Digital Egypt’s objectives to boost local innovation and digital skills, we’ve also been running our graduate program in Egypt to offer the nation’s young talent support, learning, and career development opportunities to mold them into the leaders of tomorrow.
Our efforts to support Egypt in its digital ambitions have only just begun and we look forward to collaborating with our local partners to strengthen the nation’s Information and Communications Technology infrastructure, drive digitalization and move mountains in the nation’s digital space.
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