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Cloud Core Subscription Manager


Cloud Core Subscription Manager (CCSM) is the commercial realization of the 3GPP 5G Network Functions (NF’s) UDM/ARPF, AUSF and EIR for 3G, 4G and 5G domains, which implies improved efficiency, with OPEX and CAPEX reduction.

CCSM is key part of 5G Cloud Core helping operators to evolve their access and service networks to cope with new market demands, aligned with 5G standards and cloud opportunities, providing:

  • User identification and authentication
  • User and device authorization
  • Access and mobility management
  • Subscriber data management
  • Harmonized service experience for different types of end-users (eMBB, MIoT), over different access technologies (3G/4G/5G/WiFi), with service continuity
  • Support of  VoLTE/VoNR interworking with HSS-FE, cnEIR
  • Integration with legacy HLR/HSS for efficient interworking
  • Ericsson Authentication Security solution by Hardware Security Module (HSM), to provide premium protection of users´ privacy
  • Provides support for new services and improved end-user experience, by means of Network Exposure function

To provide above mentioned functionality, the CCSM uses subscription data stored in CCDM (corresponding to 3GPP UDR NF).

CCSM is fully developed based on cloud native principles, with a SW architecture based on microservice technology, and with a common development framework across a portfolio of products, deployable on containers, on bare metal or VMs, and fully stateless, managing business logic based on retrieval of subscription data from storage (CCDM).

CCSM supports flexible deployment of the desired combination of functions implemented in the product.

CCSM implements the most advanced mechanisms for resilience and redundancy, following telecom market standards, as well as state-of-art overload protection and load regulation mechanisms on network level in order to reduce the duration and impact of signaling storms by maximizing the throughput and performance of complete system and surrounding network, focusing on service continuity.

CCSM offers dual mode solution, by means of:

  • EIR, that provides device authorization (all Domains): 2G/3G/4G/5G
  • Consolidated authentication, thanks to UDM/ARPF, that supports the generation of authentication vectors (AV´s) for 5G and EPC/IMS/GBA/3G
  • UDM and HSS-FE interactions via standard UDICOM interface

Multi-access coexistence and smooth migration scenarios

Subscription Manager for all.
Consolidated subscription data model for all access types 2G/3G/4G and 5G (NR-SA, NR-NSA), including authentication credentials. Seamless 5GC to EPC mobility, avoiding data and voice services interruptions, thanks to UDICOM standard interface, from UDM and Legacy HSS-FEs.

Deployment flexibility for network efficiency and operational cost reduction

Dual Mode 4G/5G capabilities by introduction of cloud native HSS and EIR network functions, with flexible deployment as combined CNF or standalone. OPEX reduction, with a common O&M and Network integration activities. CAPEX reduction in infrastructure, driven by the efficient use of common resources.

High performance and resilience

Most advanced mechanisms for resilience and redundancy, both on internal microservice level and network level with N+k redundancy.