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Media Resource Function
Ericsson Media Resource Function (MRF) is a carrier-class product for service providers virtualizing their networks. It provides media services like announcements, tones, and conferencing for VoLTE, Wi-Fi calling, and fixed VoIP solutions. Virtual MRF offers a lower OPEX and CAPEX than the MRF functions of native MRS and M-MGw products.
MRF can be deployed on nearly any x86 hardware in multiple cloud environments, such as OpenStack, VMware, and Ericsson NFVI. MRF is verified also on Ericsson software-defined infrastructure (SDI) and it can be delivered as a part of industrialized solutions.
Efficient hardware utilization
x86 optimized codecs from Intel are used in Ericsson virtual MRF providing efficient HW utilization.
New revenue streams
Virtual MRF supports wideband conferencing with EVS and AMR-WB codecs providing superior conferencing quality.
Cost savings through extended VoLTE coverage
Virtual MRF supports EVS codecs that extend VoLTE coverage areas.