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Evaluation of EMF Exposure from Distributed MIMO Antennas for 6G in an Industrial Indoor Environment

Distributed multi-input multi-output (D-MIMO) is one of the promising technology components for the 6G mobile communication systems. In this paper, electromagnetic field (EMF) exposure from D-MIMO deployment scenarios in an industrial indoor environment is evaluated using a hybrid simulation approach, based on ray-tracing and full-wave simulations, for downlink transmission at 3.5 GHz.
Research paper

For comparison, EMF exposure from a massive MIMO (mMIMO) deployment scenario is also assessed in the same environment. Both single-user equal gain transmission (EGT) precoding and multi-user centralized zero-forcing (CZF) precoding schemes are considered. 

Full abstract in IEEEXplore DOI: 10.1109/TEMC.2024.3474038



Stanislav Stefanov Zhekov, Bo Xu


Published in the IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility.

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