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Energy performance of 5G-NX wireless access utilizing massive beamforming and an ultra-lean system design

This paper presents the energy performance of a new radio access technology (RAT) component in 5G, here denoted as 5G-NX.
Research paper

The 5G-NX RAT encompasses massive beamforming and an ultra-lean design as two of its key technology components. The user throughput, resource utilization of the cells and daily average area power consumption are evaluated by means of system level simulations in an Asian city scenario, and the results are compared with a traditional LTE deployment using the same network layout.

The simulation results indicate that the new 5G-NX system provides much better energy performance compared to LTE and this is primarily due to the ultra-lean design and the high beamforming gain that provides both longer and more efficient component sleep in the network. At expected traffic levels beyond 2020, 5G-NX is shown to decrease the network energy consumption by more than 50% while providing around 10 times more capacity.


Sibel Tombaz, Pål Frenger, Fredrik Athley, Eliane Semaan, Claes Tidestav, Anders Furuskär.

Presentation 2015-12-09 at the IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM'15).

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