The journey to Net Zero starts here
ICT has a unique potential to enable other industrial sectors to move towards the low-carbon economy that will be central to achieve the SDGs and the Paris Agreement. According to Ericsson research, ICT solutions can enable a reduction of global carbon emissions by up to 15 percent by 2030.
Ericsson is committed to ensuring alignment of our direct and indirect advocacy activities, including those that could influence public policy, with the Paris agreement’s goal to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees C before pre-industrial times. Where our influence is exerted through membership and participation in organizations, such as trade and industry organizations, we are committed to working towards aligning the positions of those groups to further the same goals. We continuously work on supporting society with technology to create a positive impact while in parallel working on reducing our own and our products carbon footprint. This commitment is applicable to all entities within the Ericsson group.
Our Net Zero ambition
Our impact shapes the world around us
Ericsson's activities
In 2016, as part of our commitment to the Paris Climate Agreement, we joined the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) aiming to reduce our emissions by 35% by 2022 (a 1.5°C target). This has changed how we operate fleet vehicles, our facility energy usage, product transportation and business travel. *In 2021, we had reduced our emissions by 60% compared to 2016. We’ve shown that halving your emissions in less than 10 years is completely possible.
Supply chain
For effective change, halving supply chain emissions by 2030 and ultimately reaching Net Zero, we need global engagement so that emissions from all parts of the value chain can be reduced. To achieve this, we work on product design, material choices and with suppliers directly. We are focusing on 350 of our high emitting and strategic suppliers – responsible for 90% of Ericsson’s supply chain emissions – to set their own 1.5°C aligned climate targets. This means that they should halve their own operations carbon emissions by 2030 or have corresponding yearly reduction rates.
Portfolio in use
Energy use in network operation remains a priority for Ericsson and our customers. Our research shows that the lifetime energy usage from Ericsson’s delivered products remains a major contributor to our carbon footprint (>93%). As a result, we have a 1.5°C aligned Science Based Targets, to achieve a 35% energy saving in our Ericsson Radio System by 2022 compared to the legacy portfolio in 2016. In 2021, we achieved a 36% reduction. We also as a part of our Net Zero strategy decided to halve absolute emissions from portfolio use emissions by 2030.
Impact on society
ICT has a unique potential to enable other industrial sectors to move towards the low-carbon economy that will be central to preventing further climate change. According to Ericsson research, legacy ICT solutions can enable a reduction of global greenhouse gas emissions by up to 15 percent by 2030, while being responsible for only 1.4% of the global carbon footprint. With new emerging technologies like 5G, AI and IoT we can likely achieve even more reductions, if we implement them correctly.
Discover a world of new possibilities
Exponential Climate Action Summit
Our third Exponential Climate Action Summit will focus on the challenges, opportunities, and creative solutions regarding circularity and resource efficiency. What role does circularity play in the Race to Zero, across production chains at speed and at scale?
We bring together transformers, disruptors and enablers focusing on how the circular economy will contribute to lowering emissions while addressing human needs. Join us on the 23rd September.
Listen below to this powerful and empowering speech from our own Niklas Heuveldop, why ICT is so fundamental in helping support the race to zero.
Upcoming and on-demand events
For over 15 years, experts from around the business have been sharing their thoughts and knowledge through our blog site. Here we capture some of latest climate action blogs from colleagues within Ericsson.