Peter Öhlén
Principal Researcher, network automation
Ericsson Research
Kista, Sweden
The key challenge is how we can efficiently manage an increasingly software-based network and automate operations from infrastructure to business level. An important opportunity is to apply machine learning to deal with problems where good solutions are not available today, or when significantly better performance can be achieved compared to today. I want to find practical and efficient solutions by making the needed data available in operations and development and then build the most suitable algorithms using a mix of AI algorithms and traditional algorithms, whichever is most suited. As a base, we need an efficient infrastructure and extensible frameworks to adapt to an ever-changing environment. That way, we can operate many different 6G services, targeting applications with very different requirements on the network in terms of performance and functionality.
I joined Ericsson in 2005 and have had the opportunity to work in a variety of technology areas – from 3G radio, HSPA fixed wireless access, fiber access, IP and optical networks to the network automation and 6G focus of today.
I completed my Ph.D. in 2000, at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, on the topic of fiber-optic networks.