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Customer Experience – QA Upgrade

In our department, we test software for 4G and 5G, and we are responsible for planning, executing, visualizing, and reporting tests in various areas of quality. We also deal with building base stations and setting up a testing environment. In addition, we work on test automation and the development of tools that help us in our daily work.

One such tool is the Jaguar application, which allows us, among other things, to manage our equipment. Where did the idea for this tool come from? The main goal of creating the application was to automate and streamline the testing processes. Former solutions had several limitations. Previously, to obtain the necessary hardware information, we had to look for them in several different places, the device reservation system was not user-friendly, and mistakes were easy to make.

As we always try to take on new challenges, we decided to revolutionize the way we work - we replaced a series of routine tasks with a few clicks in Jaguar, making it faster and easier to perform our duties. To make our solution accessible and practical, we opted for a web application that only requires a browser with internet access. We built it in Django, one of the most popular frameworks for creating this type of application. This is where services like Spotify, Instagram, and Mozilla were created, which most of us use every day.

After such a long "introduction," you are probably wondering what Jaguar is for? Jaguar, which stands for Jigger Application for Governing Upgrade / AI Runs, is an application designed to check hardware information, control the current state of devices, or reserve a particular machine for work. Users can easily search for configurations of interest, turn machines on/off, or add comments on the operation of a specific unit. In addition, we store reservation history in the database, allowing us to generate statistics on the use of our equipment. Currently, about 50 people from 4 different teams use the application, and they have about 150 machines at their disposal. We work on new features every day and develop Jaguar to make it even more user-friendly.

Are you looking for an exciting job in telecommunications? Join us to develop our products together!

customer exp
What we work in:
  • Linux Git Python
  • Java
  • Jenkins
  • Django
  • PostgreSQL
  • Docke
How we work:
  • Scrum/Kanban
  • Elastic hybrid work
  • 7-8 people teams

CSI Network Operations

In our department, we work with various products used for configuring, monitoring, and diagnosing radio stations, including AI solutions for telecommunications technology. Wondering what these products are? We'll explain!

Imagine an engineer manually editing configuration files containing thousands of lines of code, searching for dependencies between parameters, and then conducting hardware diagnostics based on the results of commands entered in the command line. A scene straight out of a good thriller, right? We certainly think so, which is why in this department we develop a range of products that solve these and other problems.

The initial setup process of a radio station starts at the network management centre. Engineers use our products to graphically prepare and validate the configuration files needed for the proper operation of the equipment located at the radio station. Afterwards, they go directly to the site where new equipment needs to be installed. Then they can begin configuring it using a mobile application that assists and automates the engineers' work. The correctness of the equipment's operation is checked using a web application for troubleshooting and diagnosing the station with both remote and local access.

Radio stations perform automatic diagnostics, the results of which are presented to the operator, and can also use self-repair mechanisms. This data is also collected in a cloud-based solution, which, using machine learning algorithms, supports the diagnosis of the entire network.

When an operator receives information about a network anomaly, they can resolve it remotely, but in some cases, they must send engineers directly to the radio station. Their work is supported by solutions built in our department.

Join us if you would like to develop tools that support the expansion and development of telecommunications networks. Feel invited!

What we work on:
  • Java
  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • Erlang
  • Android SDK
  • Kubernetes/Helm
  • Python
How we work:
  • Agile
  • XFT with a significant impact on product development
  • Flexible hybrid work
  • DevOps

Developer flow services

In our department, we build simulations of authentic cellular networks to test new 5G mobile technologies and demanding scenarios that allow us to explore the possibilities of overloaded networks.

At a concert, in a large hall, or in a crowded city center, have you ever wondered how it is possible that thousands of people, just like you, are using their cell phones at the same time and place to talk, send photos, and record videos? What would happen if we suddenly doubled the number of people using phones in the same location? These are the questions we seek to answer as we push the boundaries of telecommunications.

In our daily work, we create our own virtual world in which we simulate various scenarios, break through today's telecommunications limitations, and turn them into tomorrow's norms and everyday practices. The simulators we build test how the network and phone connections behave in numerous acute situations. Thanks to the solutions we introduce, we investigate how much we can increase the number of users in a given area, how to maintain the quality of multiple connections, and how to keep high levels of data transfer. Thus, terms such as "capacity," "robustness," and "resiliency" are our bread and butter!

Hence, if you find yourself in crowded places and observe incoming users using their phones, you can be sure we have anticipated this situation in our work: we have examined the network's capacity (capacity), tested how long the network can withstand sudden changes without degrading the signal and connection (robustness), and how quickly it can return to a state of high performance in case unexpected factors interrupt its operation (resiliency).

If you want to push the limits of technology with us, join us and help us connect people more effectively!

What we work in:
  • Java
  • C++
  • Erlang
  • Ruby
  • Bash
  • Jenkins, GiT, Linux
How we work:
  • Scrum
  • Elasric hybrid work
  • 7-8 people teams

Development Environment

Our department builds tools supporting the software development process – from compilers to tools for storing documentation.

You've probably heard of IDEs, microservices, cloud, code testing and verification, FOSS. However, were you aware that "writing" code is a very sophisticated process that requires specific requirements to be met and certain steps must be taken to ensure that the final product can be successfully sold to customers? Terms such as security, compliance, efficiency, and development flow are part of our daily work.

The projects we work on help programmers working on many products every day. By improving the development environment, optimizing processes and flow, we improve the quality and comfort of work, stability, and safety of products. We work with new solutions and technologies, trying to keep up with market trends and create our own. We increasingly use tools related to the cloud, containers, but also web design. An example is the Developer Site, which allows for aggregating and presenting developer documentation in an easily accessible way, with access through a web browser.

Part of our work is also related to transforming products into services to provide the best and fastest support for our clients – R&D employees of Ericsson – our colleagues at work. If every "software release" could speak, you would hear how long it has come from an idea or even a need to its first launch in the client's environment. We accompany it along the way, making sure that ideas can be quickly turned into code, compiled, built, tested, and documented.

If you would like to learn about the Development Environment and develop it together with us – welcome!


What we work in:
  • Kubernetes
  • Go
  • Python
  • JavaScript
  • vscode
  • Jenkins
How we work:
  • Scrum
  • Kanban
  • Elastic hybrid work
  • Teams and individual roles/responsibilities