International Girls in ICT Day
While girls across the world tend to outperform boys in reading and writing skills, they continue to be under-represented in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). In this context, every year we celebrate International Girls in ICT Day, an initiative established in 2011 by the UN’s International Telecommunications Union (ITU) and that is now celebrated in over 170 countries. The goal is to encourage more girls and young women to take up education in STEM fields and later work in STEM careers.
Ericsson joined the initiative at the very moment it came out, and since then, every year this celebration has been echoed within Customer Unit Iberia. Thanks to the project we have now a greater contact with schools, reaching students of all ages (mainly in secondary education), enabling them to discover the possibilities offered by ICT for their professional future. Our journey started over 10 years ago now, and through presentations and activities carried out in schools and in our own facilities we have reached more than 1500 young students in Portugal and Spain. During the events, students were invited to chat with our Ericsson colleagues, visit a site or watch a drone fly among other surprises.
We have come a long way, but we still need to push further and continue showing our girls the value they have within this area, we give you some ideas about what each of us can do so that more and more women choose to be in this sector: Girls in ICT Day: It takes as (virtual) village.
A big "thank you" to all the volunteers involved! You are the driving force behind these initiatives that empower girls and young women to pursue a career in STEM.