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STEM Women

We believe that inspiring girls and young women at an early stage to pursue careers in STEM fields is key to increasing the representation of women in technology companies and telecommunications industry.

Our programs

STEM women Spain ICT day

International Girls in ICT Day

While girls across the world tend to outperform boys in reading and writing skills, they continue to be under-represented in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). In this context, every year we celebrate International Girls in ICT Day, an initiative established in 2011 by the UN’s International Telecommunications Union (ITU) and that is now celebrated in over 170 countries. The goal is to encourage more girls and young women to take up education in STEM fields and later work in STEM careers.  

Ericsson joined the initiative at the very moment it came out, and since then, every year this celebration has been echoed within Customer Unit Iberia. Thanks to the project we have now a greater contact with schools, reaching students of all ages (mainly in secondary education), enabling them to discover the possibilities offered by ICT for their professional future. Our journey started over 10 years ago now, and through presentations and activities carried out in schools and in our own facilities we have reached more than 1500 young students in Portugal and Spain. During the events, students were invited to chat with our Ericsson colleagues, visit a site or watch a drone fly among other surprises.  

We have come a long way, but we still need to push further and continue showing our girls the value they have within this area, we give you some ideas about what each of us can do so that more and more women choose to be in this sector: Girls in ICT Day: It takes as (virtual) village. 

A big "thank you" to all the volunteers involved! You are the driving force behind these initiatives that empower girls and young women to pursue a career in STEM. 



Hedy Lamarr

Sponsorship of the Hedy Lamarr Chair with the University of Málaga

We are happy to have renewed the sponsorship of the Hedy Lamarr Women and Technology Chair promoted by the University of Málaga until July 2025. This sponsorship aligns with Ericsson's commitment to address one of the biggest challenges the technology industry faces: increasing the representation of women in science and technology fields.

This renewal also includes the continuation to two key initiatives, the “Lamarr Chair Challenge”, and the "Hilda Ericsson Awards", which is promoted by Ericsson and will take place for the third time during the 2023/2024 academic year. Both initiatives allow students in Secondary Education, High School or Vocational Training, to develop their own prototypes and technological projects by providing access to the University's laboratories, alongside support from a group of mentors. The goal of both initiatives is to encourage students to develop technological skills, strengthen their critical thinking, and gain academic knowledge of mobile communications.

Kudos to all our colleagues putting their time, energy and enthusiasm in supporting this initiatives!

The Hedy Lamarr Chair not only reinforces Ericsson's commitment to increasing the presence of women in the technology sector but also aligns with the company's objective of making a positive impact on society. This collaboration not only encourages the participation of women in STEM, but also boosts innovation and research in a region that has become a beacon of technological excellence in Europe.

Women who inspire

Elena Nistal

Elena Nistal, Head of R&D for Spain

“I studied telecommunications engineering in the 90’s because I have always considered myself a “science” girl, I was interested in these subjects. Also, because I wanted to prove to myself that I could graduate from a superior technical engineering, just like my brother did, and, because by then, GSM, mobile technology and internet expansion, were booming. Being part of that journey promised many opportunities, and almost 30 years later, I can confirm that it has been, and continues to be, an exciting adventure in constant evolution."

Lisa Munoz

Luisa Muñoz, Head of Digital Services

"What I like the most about my work is that I learn new things every day, that it's creative, it requires from team collaboration, it’s developed within an international environment, and that it allows us to help people. This year we have learned that technology connects us, allows us to work from home, to educate and to develop new solutions to improve our lives. It will be the key to a more sustainable and efficient world, thereby reducing inequalities such as gender gap. Thanks to my work I’m doing my bit.”


Somaya El Marrakchi, Head of Business Development MCN

“I have always been fascinated by science, technology and creations that can make everyone's lives easier. When I finished my high school, it coincided that a new University of Telecommunications Engineering had just opened in Morocco... Everything indicated that telecommunications were the future. For me being an engineer was a way to emancipate, travel, have fun and see the impact my work had on the world. Even today I can still say I am happy with my choice."

Montse Spain

Montse Pascual, Account Manager

"What I like the most about this sector is the impact it has on the world. It fascinates me to understand from within the great transformation that we are living and are able to contribute to, improving people's lives. Once, a customer's VP told me: "We have the responsibility of connecting the world and today, together, we have taken another step forward in our mission.” I am excited to know that there is still a long way to go, that we will create things that we don't yet know and that we will lead the evolution towards a connected society. I feel fortunate to be part of the team in charge of that mission."