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Sep 09, 2002 | General press release

Recalculated exercise price for Ericsson's convertibles 1997/2003

In connection with the rights offering, and according to the conditions of the loan, the following recalculation of the convertible rate has been done:

Sep 09, 2002 | General press release

Ny konverteringskurs för Ericssons konvertibla förlagslån 1997/2003

Med anledning av Ericssons nyemission har, i enlighet med villkoren för lånet, följande omräkning av konverteringskursen ägt rum:

Sep 06, 2002 | General press release

Ericsson signs a framework agreement with Orange Group for the supply of MMS and secures first MMS contract with Orange France

Ericsson’s strong position in MMS (Multimedia Messaging) has been further enhanced by being selected as supplier of MMS technology to Orange SA and its 22 member companies, and by signing its first MMS contract with Orange France.

Sep 06, 2002 | General press release

Ericssons nyemission kraftigt övertecknad

Efter teckningstidens utgång i Ericssons nyemission om cirka 30 miljarder SEK, utvisar det preliminära resultatet att mer än 99,5 procent av de erbjudna B-aktierna, motsvarande en emissionslikvid om cirka 29,9 miljarder SEK, har tecknats med stöd av teckningsrätter.

Sep 06, 2002 | General press release

Ericsson: Rights offering significantly over-subscribed

Further to the end of the subscription period for Ericsson's rights offering of approximately SEK 30 billion, preliminary results indicate that more than 99.5 percent of the new B shares offered, representing gross proceeds of approximately SEK 29.9 billion, have been subscribed for by the exercise of rights.

Aug 30, 2002 | General press release

Ericsson demonstrates Malaysia's first international 3G mobile-to-mobile call

Ericsson, the world leader in mobility, successfully demonstrated the first international 3G mobile-to-mobile call in Malaysia today. The historic international 3G mobile-to-mobile call was made via Ericsson's 3G mobile system in Malaysia to SmarTone Mobile Communications Ltd's 3G network in Hong Kong.

Aug 29, 2002 | General press release

Ericsson confirms senior secured customer financing to Leap

In connection with today's announcement concerning a restructuring by Leap Wireless International, Inc., Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson confirms that is has provided senior secured customer financing to Leap which at June 30, 2002, amounted to gross exposure of SEK 1.1 bn (SEK 0.9 bn net of provisions).