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Intelligent Automation Platform Ecosystem

Intelligent Automation Platform Ecosystem

Providing the best developer experience for building rApps

EIAP Ecosystem

The Ericsson Intelligent Automation Platform Ecosystem (EIAP Ecosystem) empowers developers with all the capabilities needed to build, validate, share and operate automation applications, known as rApps.

What is the EIAP Ecosystem?

The Ericsson Intelligent Automation Platform (EIAP) Ecosystem is an open structure of key assets, services and infrastructure that enables rApps developers to leverage the capability of the Ericsson Intelligent Automation Platform to independently develop high-quality and high-value automation applications.

As an open Ecosystem, it enables Ericsson, Communication Service Provider (CSPs) and third-party developers to build rApps that most closely match their individual needs.

The combination of EIAP plus the Ecosystem will enable rapid development of highly automated applications. These are some examples of network automation use cases that can be produced:

  • Build workflow engines
  • Integrate with the network topology
  • Find your Performance Management (PM) data and KPIs
  • Execute Machine Learning (ML) models

In focus

Ericsson´s Industry leading rApps ecosystem

Ericsson is bringing the benefits of Open RAN management and automation through a vibrant rApp ecosystem enabled by industry standardization, class-leading SDK, and the SMO platform capabilities.

The EIAP ecosystem has expanded to include the investment and innovation of leading service providers, software, and service vendors.

The growing interest demonstrates the immense value of cultivating an ecosystem that encompasses diverse areas of expertise enabling innovation. By fostering openness and collaboration, we expand the vibrant ecosystem, enrich it with a wide array of robust applications, and enhance the developer experience. As a result, Ericsson and third-party providers (3PP) will develop a diverse and innovative, rich set of rApps, which will be introduced to the market for the benefit of customers.

Ericsson´s Industry leading rApps ecosystem

Third party ecosystem members rApps

Airhop, Aspire Technologies, Booz Allen Hamilton, Fyra, GlobalLogic, HCL Software, Infovista, Tectwin, VIAVI, Wipro and Zinkworks are new additions to the membership program bringing innovative solutions across the four key management and automation domains of: Network evolution, network deployment, network optimization and network healing.

Third party ecosystem members rApps

3rd party rApps presented at MWC 2024

Ongoing collaborations

Hear Deepak Shahane, VP/GM Service Enablement Business VIAVI Solutions talk about their rApp development and the collaboration with Ericsson

"VIAVI and Ericsson have a rich history of innovation, supporting operators around the world. We view the Ericsson Intelligent Automation Platform as an important step forward for enabling service innovation and automation across Open RAN and purpose-built networks. Partnering with Ericsson, VIAVI is committed to making available rApps available across the VIAVI NITRO Mobility suite of services, and we’re focused on delivering RAN Performance, management, optimization and orchestration to ensure robust mobile networks." - Deepak Shahane, VP & General Manager, Service Enablement, VIAVI




Hear from Yann Le Helloco, CTO Infovista talking about Ericsson's SMO initiative and its relevance for the industry to build powerful rApps

"The combination of Ericsson open platform approach and Infovista’s cloud-native applications for planning, testing and assurance (network lifecycle automation) gives CSPs a unique opportunity to rapidly deliver innovative services and rApps when deploying Cloud RAN and purpose-built 5G networks."

- Franco Messori, Chief Product Strategy and Transformation Officer, Infovista


What are the components of the EIAP Ecosystem?

The Ericsson Intelligent Automation Platform has five key components

The components of the EIAP Ecosystem


Is the single-entry point for rApps developers. State-of-the-art web-based front-end which enables access to all the developer resources, intuitive, easy to navigate and continuously updated with the latest EIAP capabilities

Is the centric solution for rApps creation. Includes access to the SDK and API, developers guides, tutorials and sample rApps in multiple programming languages

The EIAP ecosystem stimulates the developer interactions and collaborative work by means of a Community of Practice and support forums. Access to Dev-to-Dev technical support for direct developer communication and feedback channel are available

Provides all necessary resources required to test and validate the rApps. Possibility to order an as-a-Service test environment with EIAP and access to a variety of network data

Is an independent component of the EIAP ecosystem that provides a catalog for software assets in EIAP like rApps, adapters, plug-ins, enablers, models and more. The Marketplace has two versions: The Ericsson Global Marketplace hosting certified SW assets and the Local Marketplace for local and customer-owned assets

From rApps development to automated operations

The EIAP Ecosystem embraces the first steps of the complete rApp lifecycle: design, build, validate and share.

From rApps development to automated operations

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