The paper won Best Paper Award at the 2024 IEEE Conference on Dependable and Secure Computing (DSC)
To address these pivotal challenges, we have designed CHRONOHUNT, a solution that automatically and adaptively adjusts the threat hunting pace in alignment with the security importance, volume of events, available resources, and the evolving threat landscape.
Obtained results show the efficacy of CHRONOHUNT in adaptively aligning the hunting pace based on changes in the environmental conditions while ensuring high accuracy in threat hunting and optimal resource utilization.
Full abstract in IEEEXplore DOI:0.1109/DSC63325.2024.00013
- Boubakr Nour and Makan Pourzandi, Ericsson Research, Canada
- Jesus Alatorre and Jan Willekens, Ericsson Cyber Defense Center, Sweden
- Mourad Debbabi, Concordia University, Canada
Published in 2024 IEEE Conference on Dependable and Secure Computing (DSC).
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