In response to the evolving threat landscape, organizations need to adopt new proactive defense approaches.
Threat hunting is an iterative approach to generate and revise threat hypotheses endeavoring to provide early attack detection in a proactive way. The proactiveness consists of testing and validating the initial hypothesis using various manual and automated tools/techniques with the objective of confirming/refuting the existence of an attack.
Full abstract in IEEEXplore DOI: 10.1109/TETC.2023.3251031
Boubakr Nour, Ericsson Research
Makan Pourzandi, Ericsson Research
Mourad Debbabi, Gina Cody School of Engineering and Computer Science, Concordia University, Montreal
Published in: IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, Volume: 25, Issue 4,
pp. 2299-2324, Fourthquarter 2023.
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