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Coding projects for students


Create your first simple web page using HTML and CSS

These tutorials were developed using Replit for educational purposes. Replit is an independent platform and is not part of the Ericsson portfolio. These tutorials are designed to enhance your understanding of web development using HTML and CSS.

Replit can be accessed at

We believe that these tutorials will provide an enjoyable and educational experience as you learn web page creation.

HTML and CSS tutorials

What is HTML and CSS?

Lesson 1: How to use Replit to build your first web page

Lesson 2: HTML structure

Lesson 3: Headings and paragraphs

Lesson 4: Styling your headings and paragraphs

Lesson 5: Creating a table

Lesson 6: Creating numbered and bulleted lists

Lesson 7: How to link to another page

Project overview

Project lesson 1: Home page

Project lesson 2: Inserting an image

Project lesson 3: Navigation bar

Project lesson 4: About page

Project lesson 5: Inserting a video and conclusion

EPIC HTML and CSS lessons

Explore our downloadable HTML and CSS teaching materials, available in PDF format for teachers. These materials are designed to help educators introduce web development to their students in a fun and engaging way.

Download materials