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Spectrum management

Spectrum management is about efficient use of scarce resources and allocation of new spectrum to highest societal benefit. It is also about global or regional coordination and harmonization of spectrum usage to decrease cost of technology by increasing economies of scale hereby maximizing the affordability for all users.

Mobile spectrum bands

A spectrum plan divides a radio frequency spectrum into a number of frequency bands and specifies the general purpose and use for each band. This process is referred to as the allocation of frequency bands to radio communication services. Ericsson endorses the 3GPP spectrum band allocations for mobile broadband and beyond.

See 3GPP bands

Connecting the unconnected

Ericsson’s technical innovations and services can help find sustainable and efficient ways to deliver mobile broadband to the 50% of the world’s population who is currently without internet connection.

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Mobility Report

Ericsson Mobility Report is a unique report dealing with the global and regional mobile traffic development based on real traffic patterns measured in live networks from around the globe. It also contains analysis and forecast of mobile data traffic.

Read the report on mobile data traffic

Optimizing spectrum assignments to deliver expansive 5G connectivity

While competitive auctions remain much more efficient than their assignment processes, ensuring plentiful supply and optimal auction approach to how the government launches their spectrum auction is critical.  How 5G spectrum auctions are designed will have a material impact on the version of 5G that will be realised. 

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