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Remuneration Committee

Available in English Svenska
Important tasks of the Remuneration Committee include review of executive compensation.

The Remuneration Committee's responsibilities include:

  • Reviewing and preparing for resolution by the Board, proposals on salary and other remuneration, including retirement compensation, for the President and CEO
  • Reviewing and preparing for resolution by the Board, proposals to the Annul General Meeting (AGM) on Guidelines for remuneration to the Executive Team
  • Reviewing and preparing for resolution by the Board, proposals to the AGM on the Long-Term Variable Compensation Program (LTV) and similar equity arrangements
  • Approving proposals on salary and other remuneration, including retirement compensation, for the members of the Executive Team (other than the President and CEO)
  • Approving proposals on targets for the short-term variable compensation (STV) for the members of the Executive Team (other than the President and CEO)
  • Approving payout of the STV for the members of the Executive Team members
    (other than the President and CEO), based on achievements and performance

Members of the Remuneration Committee

The Remuneration Committee consists of four Board members appointed by the Board.

The current members of the Remuneration Committee are:

Jan Carlson (Chair of the Committee)
Kris Rinne
Jonas Synnergren
Kjell-Åke Soting

The Remuneration Committee has appointed Peter Boreham from Mercer as its independent advisor.

Information on remuneration

For further information on fixed and variable remuneration, please see the Remuneration Report.